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Engineer Fixing Machine

2021 Data Walk

Employment and Equity

What does the employment landscape look like in the Dubuque region? How much do people earn compared to the cost of living?

Explore the data and connect the dots between these issues.

Help us improve our data programming and prioritize our future areas of focus. 

Choose an Area of Focus


What does Dubuque's population look like, and how has it changed in the past 10 years?

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What are the barriers to family self sufficiency, and how are they changing?

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Are all people earning enough to survive? If not who is being left out?


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How much do you need to make to survive in Dubuque, and what factors play the biggest role?

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What is the value and cost of education?  Is it the path out of poverty?


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What is the connection between people living in poverty and jobs available?

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Take Part In The Discussion

There are two ways that you can join the conversation and provide your input, questions and insights on employment and equity our community:​

1. As you visit each page, be sure to submit a comment at the bottom, reacting to the data you have seen. A Community Foundation staff member will post that comment for others to see and react to.


2. Once you have finished exploring the site, come back to this page and submit your overall thoughts on the Data Walk.  You can find the submission page directly below.  We are asking each participant to answer some or all of the following questions.

a. What data was missing?​

b. What was the most surprising thing you learned?​

c. What are your top three issues for our community?

d. Is there anything else you would like to add?


Add your own reaction to this page so we can include it for future visitors

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