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Data in Dubuque

Do Dubuque residents have access to opportunities that help them succeed? How has the pandemic affected our neighbors?

Explore data that helps answer these important questions and others — and join us in finding solutions to our community’s complex challenges. 

Help us improve our data programming and prioritize our future areas of focus. 

Explore Data 


What opportunities are available to help people in our region succeed? What barriers might they face? 


What impact has COVID-19 had on Dubuque? How do race and ethnicity shape the experiences of community members?


Review metrics tracked by our Dubuque College Access Network and Every Child Reads initiatives.


As you visit each page of this site, be sure to submit a comment at the bottom of the page reacting to the data you have seen.  A Community Foundation staff member will then post that comment for others to see and react to.​

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